Gender and Engineering
Framing gender competencies, communication and leadership styles in terms engineers can readily relate to, so that students can understand themselves, each other and their colleagues at work as never before.
Calling out the Brilliance of Women
Gain an understanding of how to present your “Gender Competence” for the value it brings. Identify your unique “competencies” such as: Connecting the Dots, High Context, Systems Thinking
Fire Preventor.
Planet 50-50
Realize Planet 50-50 and help create a world of peace, partnership and harmony.
Since 1993
Do you want to know and take advantage of:
Do you want to know and take advantage of:
- What’s behind the increased ROI, sales and return on equity for companies with women on Boards?
- Why there is greater Collective Intelligence for Complex Problem Solving when there are more women in a group or team?
- Why UN Women’s Project Planet 50/50 declares that the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals will be fulfilled by 2030 through 50/50 representation of men and women at every decision making table.
- No Poverty
- Zero Hunger
- Good Health and Well Being
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Climate Action
- Life Below Water
- Life on Land
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- Partnerships for the Goals
The answer is found in a set of “Relational Competencies” that many women bring to the workplace and to life.
Gender Competence® is the understanding and skills to work with gender and cultural differences in terms of “competencies.”
In this context of fulfilling on the UN Sustainable Development Goals there a greater urgency for:
Getting beyond “adding women and stir” which has been established in Silicon Valley as NOT the means of increasing and retaining women in organizations.
Having both men and women build understanding and skills to identify, value and work with differences, recognizing their own mindset as well as others’ and the different valuable competencies that come with them.
Attracting and retaining more girls and women into the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields of study and having them go hand in hand with Social Sciences fields.
Gender Competence: a framework of understanding and skills to work with gender differences as differences in competencies. The framework is based on naming, understanding and skills to utilize what has been invisible, unarticulated and often misinterpreted; a set of “relational” competencies that are as important to leadership, as traditional Firefighter skills, but are as different and valuable as a “Fire Preventer.”
Relational skills such as “connecting the dots,” customer empathy for design thinking, and continuous process improvement, do not fit the picture of Fire Fighter so have often been perceived as “scattered and all over the place,” not focused, and even as a “trouble-maker”--incompetent. Their projects often don’t show up on management radar because they have had no fires.
When these relational competencies are identified and named, with skills to adapt and adopt for both to be utilized together, a greater collective intelligence and synergy results in increased innovation, productivity, and promotability of men and women—all people who are effective working with differences. There is a great reduction in gender issues and “walking on eggshells” that inhibits valuable teamwork and that otherwise costs the organization in attrition as well as what might be complaints and legal action.
- Are you committed to having women be well represented in your company’s or organization’s diverse workforce with the result of increased innovation, productivity and promotability of both men and women who work effectively with differences?
- Are you hearing from women in your company of organization that their ideas are not listened to and they are not “moving up” as their work merits—and you want to know why?
- Do you want to have open and honest conversations about increasing opportunities for women without women being afraid of being seen as a troublemaker and without men fearing they will say something wrong?
- Do you want your women’s initiative to produce breakthrough results for the company that creates a new future for the company as well as the women leaders who lead the breakthroughs—at a cost less than a quarter of the cost of one woman walking out the door?
Call us for an introduction workshop in Gender Competence®

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Call us for an introduction workshop in Gender Competence®